설정된 기간 관련 카운터(주간) 계산하기
설정한 기간 관련 주간을 계산 하기 위한 코드.
예 : 2014.01.01 ~ 2014.01.10 에서 현재 날짜가 2014.01.05 이고 주간 체크 부분을 수요일로 해 놓을 경우.
-> 1주 계산. ( 주간 체크 카운터로는 0 )
// option
#define CHECK_WEEK_TYPE(x) ( eWEEK_TYPE_BEGIN <= (x) && eWEEK_TYPE_END >= (x) )
#define DATE_1DAYTOTIME (60 * 60 * 24) // 86400 [Second * Minute * Hour]
typedef struct _SYSTEMTIME {
WORD wYear;
WORD wMonth;
WORD wDayOfWeek;
WORD wDay;
WORD wHour;
WORD wMinute;
WORD wSecond;
WORD wMilliseconds;
struct tm {
int tm_sec; // seconds after the minute [0, 59]
int tm_min; // minutes after the hour [0, 59]
int tm_hour; // hour since midnight [0, 23]
int tm_mday; // day of thr month [1, 31]
int tm_mon; // months since January [0, 11]
int tm_year; // years since 1900
int tm_wday; // day since Sunday [0, 6]
int tm_yday; // days since January 1 [0, 365]
int tm_isdst; // daylight saving time flag
// 날짜 관련 구조체. operator 포함
struct SDate
int iYear;
int iMonth;
int iDay;
int iHour;
int iMin;
int iSec;
void Initialize()
memset( this, 0x00, sizeof(SDate) );
SDate& operator=( const SDate& rhsDate )
this->iYear = rhsDate.iYear;
this->iMonth = rhsDate.iMonth;
this->iDay = rhsDate.iDay;
this->iHour = rhsDate.iHour;
this->iMin = rhsDate.iMin;
this->iSec = rhsDate.iSec;
return (*this);
bool operator<( const SDate& rhsDate ) const
if( this->iYear > rhsDate.iYear ) return false;
if( this->iYear < rhsDate.iYear ) return true;
if( this->iMonth > rhsDate.iMonth ) return false;
if( this->iMonth < rhsDate.iMonth ) return true;
if( this->iDay > rhsDate.iDay ) return false;
if( this->iDay < rhsDate.iDay ) return true;
if( this->iHour > rhsDate.iHour ) return false;
if( this->iHour < rhsDate.iHour ) return true;
if( this->iMin > rhsDate.iMin ) return false;
if( this->iMin < rhsDate.iMin ) return true;
if( this->iSec >= rhsDate.iSec ) return false;
return true;
bool operator>( const SDate& rhsDate ) const
if( this->iYear < rhsDate.iYear ) return false;
if( this->iYear > rhsDate.iYear ) return true;
if( this->iMonth < rhsDate.iMonth ) return false;
if( this->iMonth > rhsDate.iMonth ) return true;
if( this->iDay < rhsDate.iDay ) return false;
if( this->iDay > rhsDate.iDay ) return true;
if( this->iHour < rhsDate.iHour ) return false
if( this->iHour > rhsDate.iHour ) return true;
if( this->iMin < rhsDate.iMin ) return false;
if( this->iMin > rhsDate.iMin ) return true;
if( this->iSec <= rhsDate.iSec ) return false;
return true;
bool operator==( const SDate& rhsDate ) const
if( this->iYear != rhsDate.iYear ) return false;
if( this->iMonth != rhsDate.iMonth ) return false;
if( this->iDay != rhsDate.iDay ) return false;
if( this->iHour != rhsDate.iHour ) return false;
if( this->iMin != rhsDate.iMin ) return false;
if( this->iSec != rhsDate.iSec ) return false;
return true;
bool operator!=( const SDate& rhsDate ) const
if( this->iYear != rhsDate.iYear ) return true;
if( this->iMonth != rhsDate.iMonth ) return true;
if( this->iDay != rhsDate.iDay ) return true;
if( this->iHour != rhsDate.iHour ) return true;
if( this->iMin != rhsDate.iMin ) return true;
if( this->iSec != rhsDate.iSec ) return true;
return false;
bool operator<=( const SDate& rhsDate ) const
if( this->iYear > rhsDate.iYear ) return false;
if( this->iYear < rhsDate.iYear ) return true;
if( this->iMonth > rhsDate.iMonth ) return false;
if( this->iMonth < rhsDate.iMonth ) return true;
if( this->iDay > rhsDate.iDay ) return false;
if( this->iDay < rhsDate.iDay ) return true;
if( this->iHour > rhsDate.iHour ) return false;
if( this->iHour < rhsDate.iHour ) return true;
if( this->iMin > rhsDate.iMin ) return false;
if( this->iMin < rhsDate.iMin ) return true;
if( this->iSec > rhsDate.iSec ) return false;
return true;
bool operator>=( const SDate& rhsDate ) const
if( this->iYear < rhsDate.iYear ) return false;
if( this->iYear > rhsDate.iYear ) return true;
if( this->iMonth < rhsDate.iMonth ) return false;
if( this->iMonth > rhsDate.iMonth ) return true;
if( this->iDay < rhsDate.iDay ) return false;
if( this->iDay > rhsDate.iDay ) return true;
if( this->iHour < rhsDate.iHour ) return false;
if( this->iHour > rhsDate.iHour ) return true;
if( this->iMin < rhsDate.iMin ) return false;
if( this->iMin > rhsDate.iMin ) return true;
if( this->iSec < rhsDate.iSec ) return false;
return true;
} // !SDate
// 입력학 Date 값을 SYSTEMTIME 구조체에 담는다.
void GetDateToSysTimeInfo( SYSTEMTIME& sysTime, const SDate& sDateInfo )
sysTime.wYear = sDateInfo.iYear;
sysTime.wMonth = sDateInfo.iMonth;
sysTime.wDay = sDateInfo.iDay;
sysTime.wHour = sDateInfo.iHour;
sysTime.wMinute = sDateInfo.iMin;
sysTime.wSecond = sDateInfo.iSec;
sysTime.wMilliseconds = 0;
sysTime.wDayOfWeek = 0;
double CompareSystemTime( PSYSTEMTIME pTargetTime, PSYSTEMTIME pCompareTime )
tm tmTime1, tmTime2;
time_t timeTime1, timeTime2;
tmTime1.tm_sec = pTargetTime->wSecond;
tmTime1.tm_min = pTargetTime->wMinute;
tmTime1.tm_hour = pTargetTime->wHour;
tmTime1.tm_mday = pTargetTime->wDay;
tmTime1.tm_mon = pTargetTime->wMonth - 1;
tmTime1.tm_year = pTargetTime->wYear - 1900;
tmTime1.tm_isdst = 0;
timeTime1 = ::mktime( &tmTime1 );
tmTime2.tm_sec = pCompareTime->wSecond;
tmTime2.tm_min = pCompareTime->wMinute;
tmTime2.tm_hour = pCompareTime->wHour;
tmTime2.tm_mday = pCompareTime->wDay;
tmTime2.tm_mon = pCompareTime->wMonth - 1;
tmTime2.tm_year = pCompareTime->wYear - 1900;
tmTime2.tm_isdst = 0;
timeTime2 = ::mktime( &tmTime2 );
// time2와 time1의 second 차이를 double 형으로 리턴
return ::difftime( timeTime1, timeTime2 );
int GetTermDay( const SDate sStartDate, const SDate sEndDate )
SYSTEMTIME sStartSystemTime;
sStartSystemTime.wYear = sStartDate.iYear;
sStartSystemTime.wMonth = sStartDate.iMonth;
sStartSystemTime.wDay = sStartDate.iDay;
sStartSystemTime.wHour = sStartDate.iHour;
sStartSystemTime.wMinute = sStartDate.iMin;
sStartSystemTime.wSecond = sStartDate.iSec;
sStartSystemTime.wMilliseconds = 0;
sStartSystemTime.wDayOfWeek = 0;
SYSTEMTIME sEndSystemTime;
sEndSystemTime.wYear = sEndDate.iYear;
sEndSystemTime.wMonth = sEndDate.iMonth;
sEndSystemTime.wDay = sEndDate.iDay;
sEndSystemTime.wHour = sEndDate.iHour;
sEndSystemTime.wMinute = sEndDate.iMin;
sEndSystemTime.wSecond = sEndDate.iSec;
sEndSystemTime.wMilliseconds = 0;
sEndSystemTime.wDayOfWeek = 0;
int iTerm = (int)( ::CompareSystemTime(&sEndSystemTime, &sStartSystemTime) );
if( 0 >= iTerm ) return 0;
return (iTerm / DATE_1DAYTOTIME) + 1;
// 설정된 주간 기간 카운터 계산하기
// 해당 설정된 기간에 관련하여 시작 날짜~종료 날짜(현재 날짜) 계산하여 주간을 계산한다.
bool SettingRefreshCount( int& iRefreshCount, eWEEK_TYPE eRefreshWeekType,
const SDate sStartDate, const SDate sEndDate )
SDate sCurrentDate, sTempDate;
SYSTEMTIME sCurrentSysTime;
// 현재 시간 SYSTEMTIME 구조체 담기
::GetLocalTime( &CurrentSysTime );
GetDateToSysTimeInfo( sCurrentDate, sCurrentSysTime );
if( FALSE == CHECK_WEEK_TYPE(sCurrentSysTime.wDayOfWeek) ) return false;
eWEEK_TYPE eCurrentWeekType = static_cast<eWEEK_TYPE>( sCurrentSysTime.wDayOfWeek );
sTempDate = (sStartDate <= sCurrentDate)? sCurrentDate : sEndDate;
int iTermDay = GetTermDay( sStartDate, sTempDate );
if( 0 >= iTermDay ) return false;
int iPlusWeek = (eCurrentWeekType <= eRefreshWeekType)? (eRefreshWeekType - eCurrentWeekType) :
(eWEEK_TYPE_MAX - (eCurrentWeekType + 1) + (eRefreshWeekType + 1));
int iNextTermDay = iTermDay - PlusWeek;
if( 0 >= iNextTermDay ) return false;
iRefreshCount += ( iNextTermDay / eWEEK_TYPE_MAX );
if( eRefreshWeekType <= (iNextTermDay % eWEEK_TYPE_MAX) )
return true;
void main()
int iRefreshCount[eWEEK_TYPE_MAX] = { 0, };
SDate sStartDate;
sStartDate.iYear = 2014;
sStartDate.iMonth = 1;
sStartDate.iDay= 1;
SDate sEndDate;
sStartDate.iYear = 2014;
sStartDate.iMonth = 1;
sStartDate.iDay= 10;
if( false == SettingRefreshCount(iRefreshCount[eRefreshWeekType], eRefreshWeekType, sStartDate, sEndDate) )
printf( "[main] SettingRefreshCount(%d) \n", 0 );
for( int i = 0; i < eWEEK_TYPE_MAX; ++i )
printf( "RefreshWeek[(%d)] : (%d) \n", i, iRefreshCount[i] + 1 );