블로그는 나의 힘!
[ Programing ]/Other2013. 10. 18. 10:26

파일이 많은대용량 작업 할때 유용하다..

근데 귀찮을때도 있다..


'도구 -> 옵션 -> 프로젝트 및 솔루션 -> 일반 -> 솔루션 탐색기에서 활성화된 항목 추척' 체크 하면 된다.


출처 : connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/764236/track-active-item-in-solution-explorer-not-working-when-tool-window-auto-collapsing


Track Active Item in Solution Explorer not working when tool window auto-collapsing


I have the option "Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> General -> Track Active Item in Solution Explorer" checked. The option works find when the Solution Explorer window is docked/open. However, if I have Solution Explorer set to auto-collapse, and if I use the hotkey for command "View.SolutionExplorer", the code window that I have active will not be selected in the Solution Explorer window when it opens.               





Posted by Mister_Q